Artist ~ Maker ~ Visual Thinker

Creating Art With Passion

I am a blue-collar maker, collector, and visual thinker. I have spent most of my adult life supporting myself and other humans in our various quests to make and create objects and community. I carry with me, and to my studio practice, a diverse background in Art and Design which includes training in: painting, print-making, ceramics, design and sculpture. Throughout my life I have consistently done whatever was necessary to create the conditions and environments for me and my community to make and create. I am a process based artist/maker, who appreciates collaborative opportunities, is stimulated by new ways of seeing and is grateful to everyone who has influenced my creative journey thus far. If you would like to learn more about my work and how to have one of my artworks for yourself or as a gift, feel free to contact me through the form below and I will be pleased to help!

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